Edarah Services

The primary service provided by Edarah is real estate development in its comprehensive sense. our work is not just limited to this. our extensive experience in real estate development is at every stage, we provide each service individually as our clients need it or provided it in full, we limit our services by phases and illustrate them as follows:

Real Estate Consultations

Real estate consulting is a stage of development, it includes feasibility studies of all types (technical, financial, and marketing… Etc.) it also includes the creation and development of investment real estate opportunities and other advisory services.

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Studies and geometric designs

Our team performs studies and designs (Architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical). Stocktaking and estimation of quantities, In addition to interior design, physical planning, site coordination, land plans, uncultivated lands, landscape work, geographic information systems (GIS) and traffic impact studies.

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Relevant Party Services

Contracting parties and related companies service with real estate development projects (Contractors, consultants, factories, suppliers… Etc.) where our work starts from receiving offers, examining, and presenting recommendations on the best offers, select the best materials, construction and execution methods depending on the project and then negotiations with candidate bidders are done through predetermined criteria.

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Through our programs we offer the best investment proposals for projects and allow our clients to choose between services for direct financial offer or partnership based on profit margin or equity.

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Monitoring and supervision

Our business is very different from the contractor, the developer is not a direct implementer, but a project manager whereby it continues to proceed in accordance with the project’s time and financial plan through direct supervision, and careful follow-up. The developer also tracks changes and issues with the projects and solve it with the lowest material and time costs possible.

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Marketing and sales operations

We have extensive experience in marketing and real estate sales services depending on accumulated experience in the past years, by taking the burden of marketing and selling the project with every obligation and responsibility. the business begins by studying the market, developing the marketing plan, identifying marketing and sales channels, and serving clients until the last key is delivered, in addition the ability to build and design the best sales outlets and real estate unit models, approximate prototypes, the capacity to train and employ professional staff specializing in marketing and real estate sales.

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